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DANCE series

Ethereal Dance – Artistic Blurred Photography Capturing Motion

From visible to invisible movement. In the inseparability of body and soul. "What makes dance is not the appearance of the body. It comes from imagination and language. The dancer tries to project his relationship and his vision of the world beyond the limits of his own skin. He tries to project a verbal non-speech. From within. Into the movement of the world. The gaze of the other. Visible movement, that of the body's limbs, is only the consequence of another, inner movement. The deep physiological movement of breath, and the movement of being. Oscillating between the dream and the nightmare of the human experience. Dance is a manifestation of the sensitive. The dancer dances what touches him. In the hope that those watching him will be touched in turn. In this superimposition of the sensitive and the sensitive, from visible movement to invisible movement, in this indissociable of body and soul. - Aurélia Jarry

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